Publications that are relevant for NANOSTACKS

Publications that describe nano3D printing in the array format (KIT & PEPperPRINT)

Beyer, M.*, Nesterov, A.*, Block, I., König, K., Felgenhauer, T., Fernandez, S., Leibe, K., Torralba, G., Hausmann, M., Trunk, U., Lindenstruth, V., Bischoff, F.R.*, Stadler, V.*, and Breitling, F.* (2007) Combinatorial synthesis of peptide arrays onto a computer chip’s surface. Science 318, 1888
* shared first / last author

Stadler, V.*, Felgenhauer, T.*, Beyer, M., Fernandez, S., Leibe, K., Güttler, S., Gröning, M., Torralba, G., Hausmann, M., Lindenstruth, V., Nesterov, A., Block, I., Pipkorn, R., Poustka, A., Bischoff, F.R.*, and Breitling, F.* (2008) Combinatorial synthesis of peptide arrays with a laser printer. Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 47, 7132 –7135
* shared first / last author

Miniaturized and Automated Synthesis of Biomolecules - Overview and Perspectives.
Mattes, D. S.; Jung, N.; Weber, L. K.; Bräse, S.; Breitling, F.
2019. Advanced materials, 31 (26), Art.Nr. 1806656. doi:10.1002/adma.201806656

Topic: Solid-material-based chemical synthesis. The Science paper and the Angewandte Chemie paper are the first papers that describe solid material-based, miniaturized & parallelized chemical synthesis. Briefly, chemical building blocks are embedded into a solid polymer and formulated into particles. Either a laser printer or a computer chip is used to print these particles to designated areas on an acceptor. There, particles are melted to start many different coupling reactions at once. The Advanced Materials paper is a review that discusses solid materials-based synthesis and applications of the nano3D printer.

High-flexibility combinatorial peptide synthesis with laser-based transfer of monomers in solid matrix material.
Loeffler, F. F.; Foertsch, T. C.; Popov, R.; Mattes, D. S.; Schlageter, M.; Sedlmayr, M.; Ridder, B.; Dang, F.-X.; Bojnicic-Kninski, C. von; Weber, L. K.; Fischer, A.; Greifenstein, J.; Bykovskaya, V.; Buliev, I.; Bischoff, F. R.; Hahn, L.; Meier, M. A. R.; Bräse, S.; Powell, A. K.; Balaban, T. S.; Breitling, F.; Nesterov-Mueller, A.
2016. Nature Communications, 7, Article number 11844. doi:10.1038/ncomms11844  

Laser-induced forward transfer of soft material nanolayers with millisecond pulses shows contact-based material deposition.
Paris, G.; Klinkusch, A.; Heidepriem, J.; Tsouka, A.; Zhang, J.; Mende, M.; Mattes, D. S.; Mager, D.; Riegler, H.; Eickelmann, S.; Loeffler, F. F.
2020. Applied surface science, 508, Art. Nr.: 144973. doi:10.1016/j.apsusc.2019.144973

Topic: multi-material nano3D printer. The Nature Communications paper describes the multi material nano3D printer. The applied surface science paper describes the nano3D printer’s printing mode. (more)

Publications that describe nanoparticle manufacturing (TECNAN & Lurederra)


CexZr1−xO2 mixed oxide as OSC materials for supported Pd three-way catalysts: Flame-spray-pyrolysis vs. co-precipitation
J. Wu; A. Glisenti; J.P. Dacquin; C. Dujardin´; C. Fernández Acevedo; C. Salazar Castro; P. Granger
2020 May, ELSEVIER, Applied Catalysis A: General Volume 598, 25 May 2020, 117527. doi:10.1016/j.apcata.2020.117527

Topic: 3D-Printing of microreactors impregnated with photocatalytic nanomaterials. The publication is focused on TWC (Three-Way Catalytic) performance of the complex nanocatalysts based on Ce, Zr and Pt. It compares the physico-chemical properties and the catalytic behaviour of the active materials produced by different techniques, including FSP (Flame Spray Pyrolysis), the main production system used by Lurederra and TECNAN.

Three-Dimensional Printing of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene Microreactors for Photocatalytic Applications
Aarón Cabrera; Ismael Pellejero*; Tamara Oroz-Mateo; Cristina Salazar; Alberto Navajas; Claudio Fernández-Acevedo and Luis M. Gandía.
2020, November, ACS Publications - Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 59, 47, 20686-20692. doi:10.1021/acs.iecr.0c04349

Topic: 3D-Printing of microreactors impregnated with photocatalytic nanomaterials. The publication includes information about the preparation of the active complex nanoparticles (TiO2 doped with Cu) by the versatile and scalable FSP (Flame Spray Pyrolysis) technology, as well as the steps followed for the dispersion and deposition of those active photocatalysts on the printed structures.


Pilot Plants for Industrial Nanoparticle Production by Flame Spray Pyrolysis
Karsten Wegner, Björn Schimmoeller, Bénédicte Thiebaut, Claudio Fernández and Tata N. Rao
KONA Powder and particle Journal Nº29 (2011) doi:10.14356/kona.2011025

Topic: Upscaling of FSP. This publication is focused on Flame Spray Pyrolysis (FSP) Technology as an effective system regarding the production of advanced nanomaterials. More in detail, this paper describes the transfer from gram-level laboratory scale to pilot reactors with up to metric tons annual production, highlighting the scalability of the mentioned manufacture process.

Modeling of occupational exposure to accidentally released manufactured nanomaterials in a production facility and calculation of internal doses by inhalation
Marika Pilou, Celina Vaquero-Moralejo, María Jaén, Jesús Lopez De Ipiña Peña, Panagiotis Neofytou, Christos Housiadas
International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 2016 VOL. 22 NO. 3. doi:10.1080/10773525.2016.1226535

Topic: Occupational exposure to nanomaterials by inhalation related to manufacture sites. The present paper has studied some specific computational modelling related to particle dispersion in indoor environments. Real data regarding particle amount measurements and dimensions of facilities were collected. Thus, potential exposure and dose was calculated in relation to potential health and safety implications.

Publications that describe basic microstructuring methods (KU Leuven)
Syau T, Baliga J, Hamaker RW. (1991) Reactive Ion Etching of Silicon Trenches Using  SF 6 /  O 2 Gas Mixtures. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 138, 3076-3081. doi:10.1149/1.2085371

Topic: Microstructuring via reactive Ion Etching. The paper describes the method for the Reactive Ion Etching of Si using the gases SF6 and O2. This paper helped in determining the influence of wafer temperature, total gas pressure and the content of O2 on profile control and etch selectivity.

Pan Mao P, Jongyoon Han J. (2005) (1991) Fabrication and characterization of 20 nm planar nanofluidic channels by glass-glass and glass-silicon bonding. Lab Chip, 5, 837-44. doi:10.1039/b502809d

Topic: Microstructuring. The paper explains the glass-Silicon bonding processes for fabrication of structures. This paper helped in determining the etching rate of the Borosilicate wafer using Buffered Oxide Etchant (BOE 7:1).

Victor Hägglund. (June 2013) Characterization of masking layers for deep wet etching in borofloat glass. PhD thesis University of Uppsala. ISSN: 1401-5773, UPTEC Q13 005

Topic: Microstructuring. This master thesis was helpful in explaining the reason behind the large scale mask peeling of the photo resist during etch-time. To overcome this problem, a metal mask was used which enhanced adhesion and ensured the quality of the mask is not ruined when exposed to high concentrations of HF.

Tay FEH, Iliescu C, Jing J, Miao J. (2006) Defect-free wet etching through pyrex glass using Cr/Au mask. Microsystem Technologies 12, 935–939. doi:10.1007/s00542-006-0116-0

Topic: Microstructuring glass via HF-etching. This paper describes the method of wet etching of glass in highly concentrated HF solution using a Cr/Au mask. With this, the issue of peeling off of the photo resist was avoided and helped in achieving higher aspect ratio of the micro-pillars.

Publications made within the NANOSTACKS project

None yet