
Screening for Primordial RNA–Peptide Interactions Using High-Density Peptide Arrays



  • High-throughput screening for selective RNA binders;
  • Emergence of the standard genetic code from the combinatorial fusion cascade;
  • Prediction of ancient "living" membranes.


See for details:;

The combinatorial fusion cascade:



Figure: High-throughput screening of RNA–peptide interactions

(a) AU- and GC-protocodes and their transformation to the standard genetic code (SGC) after the combinatorial fusion. The codons

of the SGC were obtained according to the Watson–Crick mutations A↔G or UC in the third position for the dominant protocodes. Watson–Crick mutations for recessive protocodes occurred in the first or the first and third positions. The red letters illustrate these transformations.

(b) The AU-protocode library consists of two sublibraries: all combinatorial combinations of the amino acids

of the dominant protocode (Lys, Phe, Asn, Ile, and Tyr) and all combinatorial combinations of the amino acids of the recessive protocode (Glu, Leu, Asp, Val, Gln, and His). The GC-protocode library consists of two sublibraries: all combinatorial combinations of the amino acids of the dominant protocode (Gly, Pro, Ala, and Arg) and all combinatorial combinations of the amino acids of the recessive protocode (Ser, Thr, Cys, and Arg).

(c) Location of the peptide libraries in the incubation trays and their incubation with fluorescently labeled 12-mer single-stranded RNA homo oligomers of adenine, guanine, uracil, and cytosine.

(d) Peptide structure in the spot: beta-alanine as linker, acetylated N-terminus.

(e,f) Fragments of fluorescence images of peptide chips after incubation with fluorescently labeled RNAs. The pitch size was 60 m.



Resemblance-Ranking Peptide Library to Screen for Binders to Antibodies on a Peptidomic Scale



  • Human peptidome library design;
  • Each antibody has a number of "non-antigenic" selective binders with sub μM affinity;
  • Simultaneous measurement of dissociation constants KD of antibodies for 6000 peptides.


See for details:



Figure: Eight wells with the same sub-library of 6000 different peptides for determining dissociation constants by incubating antibodies at different concentrations.


Serological Number for Characterization of Circulating Antibodies



  • How to determine the number of linear and conformational monoclonal antibody epitopes in the patient's sera?
  • What causes a pre-existing antibody response after vaccination?


See for details:



Figure: Schematic of the long-term humoral memory via elimination of the long-lived plasma cells
for “old” antigens (red and green nucleus) with plasmablasts with a new specificity (lilac nucleus).

Selective Peptide Binders to the Perfluorinated Sulfonic Acid Ionomer Nafion



  • Discovery of new functional molecules with a selective affinity for technical polymers


See for details:



Figure: Structure of the peptide WIWHCW with a selective binding to Nafion. a) Helix structure of the peptide WIWHCW. b) Schematic presentation of the selective binding geometry as a gripping hand with Trp (W) and His (H) side chains as fingers.