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News 2019
Glassy carbon microelectrodes (Photo: San Diego State University)Publication in Nature Microsystems & Nanoengineering

Glassy carbon microelectrodes minimize induced voltages, mechanical vibrations, and artifacts in magnetic resonance imaging. The novel carbon electrodes were tested directly in a MRI scanner at IMT (Photo: San Diego State University).


Picture of the awards ceremony (Photo: LOC XNPIG2019)Poster Award of XNPIG 2019 Goes to Dr. Ikematsu

Dr. Katsumasa Ikematsu (KIT and Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan) received the Poster Award of the 5th XNPIG in Sendai (Japan) for his contribution on the improvement of the spatial resolution in X-ray phase imaging (Photo: LOC XNPIG2019).

Dr. Frederik Kotz (Photo: Körber Foundation).German Study Award 2019 for Dr. Kotz

For his work on “Structuring of Glass at Room Temperature – Energy-saving Processes for Smart Glass” former IMT PhD student and researcher Dr. Frederik Kotz is honored with the German Study Award 2019 (Photo: Körber Foundation).

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Photo: Tobias Abzieher, KITHigh Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cells

A team at KIT has developed an innovative hole conductor layer that can be deposited over a large area and leads to record efficiencies (Photo: Tobias Abzieher, KIT).

German television contribution

Logo of the International Symposium on Thermal Effects in Gas flows in Microscale ISTEGIM 2019Final Conference ISTEGIM of the European ITN MIGRATE

The European ITN MIGRATE, located at IMT, organizes its final conference on thermal effects in gas flows in microscale ISTEGIM in Ettlingen near Karlsruhe in October 2019. Extended abstracts are welcome through

Logo der Vector StiftungVector Foundation funds the development of a liquid X-ray lens

The foundation supports only about 8% of the applications and supports the innovative proposal even without the usual oral presentation. A liquid X-ray lens could be used in the white X-ray beam of a synchrotron source or a free-electron laser, since heating and damage to the lens are constantly cured.

Liquid X-ray lens
Teaching Award 2019 (Photo: KIT)Teaching Award for Prof. Dr. Guber

IMT researcher and head of the department “Microsystems for Life Sciences” Prof. Dr. Guber (in picture second from left) has been honored with the Teaching Award 2019 of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering for his interdisciplinary lecture series BioMEMS I to IV (Photo: KIT).

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Südwestmetall Chairman Dr. Stefan Wolf (left), Dr. Frederik Kotz, laureate (KIT - Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) Photo: SWM/Wagner.Award 2019 of “Südwestmetall” Goes to Dr. Kotz

Former IMT researcher Dr. Frederik Kotz (in picture right) received a grant of the employer association “Südwestmetall” for his PhD thesis about additive manufacturing of glass and PMMA at the KIT (Photo: SWM/Wagner).

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Logo of the 4th Munich POCT Symposium 2019Poster Prize of The POCT Symposium 2019 Goes to Dr. Mager

IMT researcher Dr. Dario Mager has been awarded with the Best Poster Award of the 4th Munich POCT Symposium 2019 for his contribution “eLoaD - Centrifugal Microfluidics With Modular Embedded Systems for a Simplified Usability and Maintenance at the PoC“.

Photograph of a bendable laser carbon test structure on Kapton (Photo: KIT).Publication in npj|Flexible Electronics

Researchers from IMT and IFG (Institute of Functional Interfaces) developed carbon-based flexible urea sensors that can be rolled-up to fit inside a catheter for ”point-of-care” diagnostics (Photo: KIT).

Printed colored perovskite solar cells in the form of the KIT logo (Photo: IMT/KIT). Photovoltaics – Versatile in Form and Color

Researchers and industrial partners develop printed perovskite solar modules for flexible use in buildings (Photo: IMT/KIT).
